Not a stomach bug after all

Turns out what I thought was a nasty stomach bug is actually some sort of chronic nausea that I’ve been trying to deal with for the past month or more. No, we aren’t sure what exactly is causing it yet. Yes, it’s really annoying, but I’ve got some good medication that’s helping. But the point is, it’s really hard to think about coming up with a blog post, much less actually come up with a blog post when your stomach is rebelling against you. Even if it’s just in a minor fashion.

However, as I said, things are getting better and I’m hoping we can figure out what’s going on and how to get rid of it permanently soon. In the meantime, I’m determined not to let my illness slow me down anymore. I’m shooting for a blog post a week, we’ll see how that goes. Thanks to those of you who keep checking to see if I’ve got anything new and/or visiting to see what I have. I appreciate it.


I’m sorry that I’ve been late getting the latest couple of posts up. Right now I’m sick with some sort of stomach bug and not really feeling up to do much of anything, so it’s probably still going to be a few days until these get up. Sorry… Caitlyn

In which I explore the ramifications of a lack of sleep…

…By simply saying that I’m suffering from it due to a combination of my own blasted fault (getting to bed late) and no real fault of my own (for whatever reason, I’m not sleeping well when I do sleep.) As a result, I’m lethargic, don’t really want to do anything, and right now just really want to go to sleep despite the fact that I still have a lot to do.

All of which adds up to “This is going to be a really short blog post because my brain is not currently capable of writing a more thoughtful or thought-provoking or entertaining blog post.”

With any luck next week I can report on the ramifications of getting the proper amount of sleep and being well rested.

For anyone who still actually happens to be reading…

Sorry for the long time no post. Things have been in a bit of upheaval in my life the past while, and I’m trying to get things back together again. It’s proving harder than I thought.

There’s also been a hiatus because I’ve been trying to decide what I want to do with this blog. It started out as a writing/life advice thing, morphed into “writing about whatever I feel like but still kind of advice-y” sort of thing, and then pretty much ground to a halt when I realized I avoided writing on my blog because I honestly didn’t enjoy doing it.

So, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is I want to do with this blog. For those of you who have actually stuck with me as I’ve been trying to figure this out, thanks.

Oh, and here’s a link to the Sandra Tayler presentation I was going to write about. It’s her notes on her blog from it: . Enjoy! I know I really enjoyed the presentation. Now I just need to take what I learned and actually apply it…


Sorry for the long time no post. My cold that wouldn’t die turned into bronchitis, I went on vacation with my family to Disneyland, and things have generally been crazy. Hopefully they’ll settle down after the holidays and I can get back on a regular posting schedule.

Oh, and for anyone interested, my final NaNo total ended up being 25, 113. Halfway through the 50,000 words and nearly 10,000 words better than I did last year. Not bad for getting seriously sick halfway through the month!