24,355 words! And… in other news, I’m behind.

Yeah, if you do the math, I’m behind on my NaNo book. But you know what? It only bothers me a little bit. Sure, I’m going to try to catch up, but if I don’t, I’ll just finish it as soon as possible after November is over. I’ve still written more in a 17 day period then I think I have before in my life, I’m writing every day, and I’m enjoying myself immensely. Isn’t that the real goal anyway?

It’s interesting as I’ve been writing this novel. I started out thinking that it was going to be three sections taking place over different chunks of time. The more I keep writing, however, the more I suspect that I might actually have two books here. Well, that’s what the rewrite stage is for. For now, I’m going to just keep plugging along and giving it my best shot.

I’m also discovering that I’m not very good at coming up with clues for a mystery. I’m pretty sure the mystery part of my novel is absolute trash. But again, that’s what the rewrite stage is for. For now, I’m just putting the word BLANK anywhere that there’s supposed to be some sort of clue so I’ll know that I need to go back there and fix it. Then I just move forward! I’m trying not to let myself get hung up on things, because I know that will stop me from writing. So far, it’s working pretty well.

In other news, we had our first snow storm of the year last weekend. It resulted in some very pretty pictures that I was lucky enough to take. Maybe soon I’ll post some of them.

For now, I need to get back to my NaNo novel!

One thought on “24,355 words! And… in other news, I’m behind.

  1. Brandon says:

    Caitlyn, have you read “The Westing Game”? It’s a really fun mystery with clues and red herrings everywhere. I hope your own mystery works out well!

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